How To Make The Sign Of The Cross

As Orthodox Christians, we make the sign of the Cross at all times of the day: when we wake up from sleep, when praying, before and after eating, before doing any task, before a journey, before going to sleep - before anything we do!

The Cross is a reminder that God is with us. It is a form of blessing and protection.

How do I make the sign of the Cross?

Using your right hand, put your thumb, index finger and middle finger together. This represents the Trinity:

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God.

Next, fold your ring finger and pinky finger down to your palm.

These two fingers represent the two natures of Christ - fully human and fully Divine. They are folded down because God, the Son, came down from heaven and dwelt in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

  1. Put your hand to your forehead and say: In the Name of the Father'
  1. Now move your hand to your lower chest as you say: "and of the Son'
  1. Now move your hand to your right shoulder and say: "and of the Holy Spirit'
  1. As you cross over to your left shoulder, say 'Amen'. Now you can attentively make the sign of the Cross.
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